Welcome to Sacred Ground

Meeting in Presence on the evolving edge of Mutuality

Sacred Ground Community

Sacred Ground is an online interactive meeting place for connection in interbeing - from and through the essence of who we are. 

In this sacred space of present-moment awareness, we come together to explore new depths in the unfolding of each moment. Through mutual coherence, gentleness, and openness, profound insights naturally arise. Often, a simple question like "What is emerging right now?" serves as a catalyst for unexpected awakenings and delightful discoveries.

In various online, live mutuality practices we experience the transforming power of interconnection with one another. And beyond that with the consciousness which we form together, from which we come and of which we are all a part.

Most meetings are online using the Zoom platform, allowing us to see one another both as we meet as a whole and as we connect in dyads and smaller groups.

Sessions are now offered multiple times a week, and we eagerly anticipate the joy of sharing this experience with you.

Out beyond belief and unbelief,
there is a field.

We meet there.

When souls lie down in that grass,
the world is too full
to talk

Ideas, language,
even the phrase “each other”
doesn’t make any sense.

Rumi (1207-1273)
and Coleman Barks (1937- )

And although the world may be too full to talk about, and though our time together may contain silence, it is also rich with words flowing from this field, drawing us together ever deeper into an already existing space of ONEing.

How to Join Us

Sacred Ground is a space which invites and welcomes essential, deep encounters in mutuality with and from our essential Self - within each of us and as reflected in each other. We meet in that sacred space of interconnection. It is not a space for promotion of ideas, theories or your own work or that of others.

If this resonates with you, please Request to Join.

Membership of Sacred Ground is available at no cost.

If you are already a member of Sacred Ground and find yourself on this page, click on the Sign In button at the top right of this page.

Login problems: if you are already a member and have lost access to the email account you used to register, please do not create a new account as that makes it difficult to change the email on your old account. Instead click here and we will assist you.

NOTE: If you are looking for the Episcopal Church "Sacred Ground - A Film-Based Dialogue Series on Race & Faith", please DO NOT Request to Join us here, please go to this site instead: www.episcopalchurch.org/sacred-ground


Once you are signed in, a calendar gives an easy customized overview of all the events available to you in the main network and in the groups and programs you have joined.

“There is an almost sensual longing for communion with others who have a large vision. The immense fulfillment of the friendship between those engaged in furthering the evolution of consciousness has a quality impossible to describe.”

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

“When this home of mine is made thine, that very moment is it taken across, even while its old walls enclose it. … For here rolls the sea, and even here lies the other shore waiting to be reached – yes, here is this everlasting present, not distant, not anywhere else.”

Rabindranath Tagore

“You are all of us, as we are united in you. You are all of us as we live in one another.”

Beatrice Bruteau

"We are here together to show each other God. The portal is each other."

Jeff Brown

“The love of [Existence] creates in us such a oneing that when it is truly seen, no person can separate themselves from another person.”

Lady Julian of Norwich

"All things by immortal power, near or far, to each other linked are, that thou canst not stir a flower without troubling of a star."

Francis Thompson